Be in charge of your personal pension!

Your employer helps you with building your pension. But you are in charge of your account. You decide how much you want to contribute. And if you ever switch jobs, you can continue using your account.


What are the advantages?

  • Your personal pension account

    • Tax-friendly
    • You decide how much you contribute and how often
    • The accumulated money goes to your legal beneficiaries in case you pass away
    • Your money is invested at cost price
    • Socially responsible and sustainable investments
    • Additional investment account at no extra costs
    • A contribution break is possible
  • Does your employer facilitate BrightPensioen?

    • Your employer takes care of the annual membership fees
    • Your employer pays the registration fees
    • In case you switch jobs, your account stays with you

This is how BrightPensioen works

Your employer offers you a pension account with BrightPensioen. Smart! Because that means you can save money for later in a tax-friendly, flexible, and sustainable way.

You’ll get an individual account and you can contribute monthly. The amount that you want to contribute is up to you and you can easy adjust this every month in our online portal.

The accumulated money in your account can eventually be converted into an annuity when you retire. Or possibly earlier, in case you move to another country.


This is how we invest your money

All pension suppliers invest the money of their participants. And so do we. There is no other magic trick to grow your money. But it is essential to do it cleverly and to manage the risks appropriately.

How we manage the risks

We spread the investments over all regions globally, over all industries. The risk profile is neutral, with a maximum of 60% stocks and 40% (green)bonds. We rebalance every month and automatically decrease the risk ten years before your retirement age.

Investing at cost price

We make no income from your pension plan nor from your investments. That is the traditional revenue model of all other suppliers. We earn our money from a fixed-fee membership, and your employer pays for that membership. Also, your contribution is being invested at a cost price, which means more money for you!

Sustainable and responsible investments

Our investments are made with our Bright Lifecycle Fund. The main goal of this fund is to invest as sustainable as possible. That is why this fund contains ESG investments and Impacts Investments, such as green bonds. ESG stands for Environment, Social, and Governance. Investments that make our world a better place for the future.

Because: why would you invest your money meant to secure your future, in things that could jeopardise this future?


How much pension do you need?

Want to see
how much money
you can get?
Change the sliders

Total period: jaar

Indication accumulated capital

This is the total amount of money. With this money you eventually have to buy an annuity, for a certain period. In The Netherlands this period has to be at least 5 years.
Indication total accumulated capital

Indication monthly gross payout

This is an indication of the monthly amounts that you are able to find in the market with the current interest rates for the period you choose. Purchasing power IN. So, what would this amount be in today's euro.
Indication monthly (gross) income

Purchasing power: €
In case your employer does not pay for your membership fees, with the date you entered, BrightPensioen can be less interesting for you. Want to know what you can do about this? Contact us: 020 – 70 70 540.

What's the result of starting years later?

€ − % less


This tool gives you an indication of the capital you can accumulate and the corresponding monthly payout amounts. Calculated with the contribution, period and yield you can enter and alter yourself. The yearly membership fee is not taken into account in the contribution or in the results, since these are charges separately. And usually paid by your employer. The shown amounts are merely an indication and this indication is not an advice in any form. The actual results are dependent of various factors and circumstances. The value of your investments can fluctuate. Past performance is no guide to future performance. Here you find the calculations explained (Dutch).

Calculate your annual allowance and tax refund

What was your income in 2023?

In 2023 pensioen opgebouwd in loondienst?

Factor A

With an income below the thresshold of € 17.545 there is no yearly allowance
Your max. contribution in 2024
Max. allowance 2024

Saving for retirement is tax-beneficial. Therefore there is a maximum on what you can contribute per year. Your annual allowance (in Dutch: jaarruimte) is based on your income of the previous year. Want to know more? Give us a call or contact your financial or tax advisor.

Indication tax return
Based on max. allowance

These amounts are indications. The actual results dependent of your income of the previous years and whether or not you had any pension provisions in these years. In the payout phase you will have to pay income tax. For the indicated tax return we have calculated with a percentage of 36,97% and for incomes of € 75.518 and more with a percentage van 49,50%. This can be different from person to person.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I visit the website of BrightPensioen in English (or any other language)?

    We realise it can take time to understand a Dutch website, especially if it is different from your (first) language. We have not translated our website into English (yet), but there is an easy way to do this yourself, if you want to, with Google Translate.

    1. Go to the website of Google Translate. 
    2. Type our website ( in the left box.
    3. Choose the language you want to translate to, in the right box.
    4. Click on the link that is created in the right box, to go to the translated website.

    It can take a few seconds for the page to load fully. Of course, the translation will not be flawless, but it can be very helpful.

    Also, please know our customer service colleagues speak multiple languages (call: 020 – 70 70 540 or e-mail: and they’re available to help you with any questions you might still have.

    Does your employer facilitate your pension at BrightPensioen? Please know there’s this English page available for you.

  • What if I move abroad?

    If you’re moving abroad, you must notify us of any changes to your tax residence. Otherwise it may be that double taxation is levied (in the Netherlands and in the country to which you move), which you then have to (try to) reclaim. So inform all financial institutions where you purchase services in time.

    From a fiscal point of view, the following happens with regards to your box 1 annuity account:

    • The tax authorities impose a so-called “Conserverende aanslag” on the amount of the reversionary interest due. You don’t have to pay this assessment as long as you still adhere to the conditions set for the annuity as imposed by Dutch law. This assessment will expire after you have lived abroad for 10 years (and therefore have not been a tax resident of the Netherlands during all that time). Please note: you must submit a written request for remission of your Conserverende aanslag. It’s smart to do this before you possibly use your accrued annuity capital.
    • If you reach your desired retirement age in those 10 years and you want to start your benefit, you must purchase an annuity benefit that meets the conditions in Dutch law.
    • If you reach the state pension age plus 5 years in that period, you must purchase an annuity payment that meets the conditions in Dutch legislation.

    What happens after the protective assessment has expired?

    From that moment on, you no longer have to adhere to the payment rules that are set for annuities. If desired, you can have current benefits paid out in one go or adjust the term to a shorter period if desired (longer is of course also possible, but this was already one of your options when the restrictions on annuity payments still applied). You can also use it, for example, for an “interim pension / sabbatical”.

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This is how it works

  • Step 1 - Open an account

    Open an account in just five minutes. If you want, get an investment account as well. It’s included in the membership (your employer pays). Nice!

  • Step 2 - Determine your contribution

    Our tools can help you with that. Or ask your tax advisor to help you with your annual margin (“jaarruimte”). You can change your contribution every month.

  • Step 3 - Claim your money

    Since you can deduct your contribution from your income tax, you can claim this refund from the Dutch Tax Authorities. This will be pre-populated on your yearly tax return.